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- 1997 Patch Notes
- 1998 Patch Notes
- 1999 Patch Notes
- 2000 Patch Notes
- 2 Handed Weapons
- A Guide for Complete Newbies
- A bazooka
- Agility
- Air Elemental
- Akari Moongate
- Alchemy
- Alligator
- Anatomy
- Ancient Wyrm
- Animal Lore
- Animal Taming
- Arch Cure
- Arch Protection
- Archcure
- Archery
- Archprotection
- Arms Lore
- Arsen
- Balron
- Bandages
- Barding
- Bear
- Begginers Guide
- Begging
- Beginners Guide
- Bird
- Black Lich
- Blackfoot
- Blacksmithy
- Blade Spirit
- Blade Spirits
- Blaise
- Bless
- Blood Elemental
- Boar
- Boat
- Boat Ownership & Usage
- Boats
- Bone Knight
- Bone Magi
- Bowcraft
- Bowcraft and Fletching
- Bowcrafting
- Britain
- Britain Sewers
- Bull
- Bullfrog
- Camping
- Carpentry
- Cartography
- Cat
- Cattie Brie
- Chain Lightning
- Chainsoar
- Chicken
- Chumbucket
- Clumsy
- Commands
- Communication crystal
- Cooking
- Corpser
- Cougar
- Covetous
- Cow
- Crafting
- Create Food
- Creatures(Alphabetical List)
- Creatures(Unique)
- Cunning
- Cure
- Cure Potion
- Curse
- Cyclops
- Dagger Island
- Dagger Isle
- Dark Steed
- Dark Wolf
- Deceit
- Delucia Passage
- Despise
- Destard
- Detect
- Detect hidden
- Detecting
- Detecting Hidden
- Dexterity
- Diogenes
- Dispel
- Dispel Field
- Display
- Dog
- Dolphin
- Dragon
- Dread Spider
- Dungeons
- Eagle
- Earthquake
- Efreet
- Elder Gazer
- Energy Bolt
- Energy Field
- Energy Vortex
- Enticement
- Ettin
- Evaluate Intelligence
- Evaluating INT
- Evaluating Intelligence
- Evil Mage
- Evil mage
- Explosion
- Fame/Karma Titles
- Feeblemin
- Feeblemind
- Felix
- Fencing
- Fire Dungeon
- Fire Field
- Fire temple
- Fireball
- Fishing
- Flamestrike
- Fletching
- Forensic Eval.
- Forensic Evaluation
- Frost Spider
- Frost Troll
- GP
- Gargoyle
- Gate Travel
- Gazer
- Getting Started
- Ghoul
- Giant Frog
- Giant Ice Serpent
- Giant Rat
- Giant Scorpian
- Giant Serpent
- Giant Serpents
- Giant Spider
- Goat
- Gold
- Gold piece
- Gorilla
- Gp
- Grandmaster
- Greater Heal
- GuardianKnight
- Guilds
- Guilds:IL
- Guilds:The Warlords (WL)
- HP
- Halbu
- Harm
- Hazy
- Headless
- Heal
- Healing
- Health
- Hell Hound
- Hemperor
- Herding
- Hiding
- HikerzBuilds
- Hind
- Hit-points
- HitPoints
- Hit Points
- Hitpoints
- Honesty
- Horse
- House
- House Security
- Housing
- How Do Torchs Work
- Ian
- Ice Dungeon
- Ice Elemental
- Imp
- Incognito
- Index.php
- Inscription
- Insta Hit
- Installation & Account Creation
- Intelligence
- Invisibility
- Islands
- Item ID
- Item id
- Jennifer
- Jupiter
- Jwilson
- Kander
- Kraken
- Lich
- Lich Lord
- Lightning
- Lightshade
- Linux
- Llama
- Llama Vortex
- Lockpicking
- Lore
- Luca Blight
- Lumberjacking
- Mace Fighting
- Macro
- Macros
- Mage
- Mage Lord
- Magery
- Magery Reagent Costs
- Mages
- Magic Arrow
- Magic Lock
- Magic Reflection
- Magic Spell
- Magic Trap
- Magic Untrap
- Magic items
- Main Page
- Main Page/
- Malice
- Mana
- Mana Drain
- Mana Vampire
- Mark
- Mass Curse
- Mass Dispel
- Matron de Winter
- Meditation
- Merchants of Britannia
- Meteor Swarm
- Microsoft Rolls Out Skype For Web Browsers
- Mind Blast
- Mining
- Mining skill
- Money
- Mongbat
- Monster
- Monsters
- Moongates Travel
- Mount
- Mummy
- Murder count
- Murdering
- Music and sound
- Musicianship
- NPC Guilds
- NPC Trainers
- Nightmare
- Nightmare Island
- Nightsight
- Non Player Character
- Ogre
- Ogre Lord
- Ophidian Apprentice Mage
- Ophidian Avenger
- Ophidian Enforcer
- Ophidian Knight-Errant
- Ophidian Matriarch
- Ophidian Shaman
- Ophidian Warrior
- Orc
- Orc Captain
- Orcish Lord
- Orcish Mage
- Origin Systems
- Ostard
- Panther
- Paralyze
- Paralyze Field
- Parrying
- Peacemaking
- Pet slots
- Phoenix
- Pig
- Pirul
- Pk
- Player-Run Towns
- Player Written Guides
- Player versus player
- Player vs player
- Players
- Poison
- Poison Elemental
- Poison Field
- Poison Potion
- Poisoning
- Polymorph
- Pop-up Help
- Potion
- Potion Kegs
- Potions
- Procure
- Profession titles
- Protection
- Provocation
- PvP Guide
- Pvp
- Quests
- Rammar
- Rat
- Ratman
- Razor
- Reactive Armour
- Reagent
- ReagentCost
- Reagents
- Recall
- Remove Trap
- Renaissance
- Reputation system
- Resisting Spells
- Resisting spells
- Resurrection
- Reveal
- RoadKill
- Rose
- Rouss Sandbox
- Rubberband
- Rubberband Effect
- Sandro
- Scorpion
- Sea Serpent
- Sewer Rat
- Sexy Smithy
- Shade
- Shallow Grave
- Shame
- Shasta McNasty
- Sheep
- Ship
- Ships
- Silver Serpent
- Silver Steed
- Silver Wolf