Rouss Sandbox

From UO Second Age
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Welcome to the Second Age Wiki dedicated to the era of the Second Age in UO, covering approximately three years (1997-2000). The information on this wiki is based on the official game only. Its purpose is to shine light on the exact conditions of the Second Age. UO Second Age (Free Shard) does not contribute any new information as it attempts to emulate the information given in this Wiki. If you would like to help us build the site, you can learn how to get started as an editor, read over the help files, or look through our guide to helping out.

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We are currently maintaining 362 articles.

Feel free to browse for nostalgia or contribute what you know.

To view the full list of patch notes prior to and during T2A, please follow these links:

Latest News

New Website — June 18th, 2010

The UOSA Website Engineering and Research Laboratory (UOSAWERL) are proud to announce the launch of the new Website today

Located in exactly the same place as the old website:, The new website provides the following exciting new features: It looks better

In addition to the primary features listed above, the Shard Online Count is now live and refreshing in page every 30ish seconds, and the images galleries have been enhanced.

We've also added some RSS Feeds to the site, and "Web Slices" for IE8 users.

Hope you like it.

The site redesign was done by Rouss, who crafted the initial layout from scratch, and was involved in page layout design throughout the development process. Thanks much!

Fall of Minax — June 12th, 2010

After much investigation, Lord British is finally ready to make a move against the Dark mage council. The Dark mage council has taken up base of operations in the Yew crypts. They are keeping the axe that controls Biate there. We plan to storm the chambers and destroy the axe completely. Come prepared for a bloody battle.

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