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Weapons use for the skills Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship and Wrestling. There are one and two handed weapons, while two handed weapons must be held in both hands to be used, such as the War Hammer. Shields and potions cannot be used while wielding a two handed weapon.

The damage-ranges below take neither Tactics/STR bonuses to damage nor the AR of the defender into account. The greater the Speed #, the faster the rate at which you attack w/ the weapon (affected by DEX). Items listed are assumed to be in perfect condition (undamaged). HP= The damage capacity of the weapon before breakage occurs. Below average quality weapons do listed-4 damage, exceptional quality weapons do listed+4 damage.


Weapon Name            STR Req.     Damage    Speed    HP   Skill 
Axe(2-H)                 35     3d10+3 (6-33)  37    31-100 Swords 
Battle Axe(2-H)          40     2d17+4 (6-38)  30    31-80  Swords 
Double Axe(2-H)          45     1d31+4 (5-35)  37    31-110 Swords 
Executioner's Axe(2-H)   35     3d10+3 (6-33)  37    31-90  Swords 
Hatchet(2-H)             15     1d16+1 (2-17)  40    31-80  Swords 
Large Battle Axe(2-H)    40     2d17+4 (6-38)  30    31-110 Swords 
Pickaxe                  25     1d15   (1-15)  35    31-60  Swords 
Two-handed Axe(2-H)      35     2d18+3 (5-39)  30    31-70  Swords 
War Axe                  35     6d4+3  (9-27)  40    31-80  Mace *


Weapon Name         STR Req.    Damage      Speed    HP   Skill 
Bow (2-H)             20     4d9+5 (9-41)    20    31-60  Archery 
Crossbow (2-H)        30     5d8+3 (8-43)    18    31-80  Archery 
Crossbow, Heavy (2-H) 40     5d10+6 (11-56)  10    31-100 Archery

Knives & Daggers

Weapon Name    STR Req.     Damage   Speed    HP  Skill 
Butcher Knife    5      2d7    (2-14) 40    31-40 Swords 
Cleaver          10     1d12+1 (2-13) 40    31-50 Swords 
Dagger           1      3d5    (3-15) 55    31-50 Fencing 
Skinning Knife   5      1d10   (1-10) 40    31-40 Swords

Maces & Hammers

Weapon Name    STR Req.      Damage     Speed    HP   Skill 
Club             10       4d5+4  (8-24)  40    31-40  Mace * 
Hammer Pick      35       3d10+3 (6-33)  30    31-70  Mace * 
Mace *           20       6d5+2  (8-32)  30    31-70  Mace * 
Magic Wand       0        2d3    (2-6)   35    31-70  Mace * 
Maul             20       5d5+5  (10-30) 30    31-70  Mace * 
Smith's Hammer   30       6d3    (6-18)  30    31-60  Mace * 
War Hammer (2-H) 40       7d5+1  (8-36)  31    31-110 Mace * 
War Mace *       30       5d5+5  (10-30) 32    31-110 Mace *

Pole Arms

Weapon Name  STR Req.    Damage     Speed    HP    Skill 
Bardiche(2-H)  40     2d20+3 (5-43)   26   31-100  Swords 
Halberd(2-H)   45     2d23+3 (5-49)   25   31-80   Swords

Spears & Forks

Weapon Name       STR Req.    Damage     Speed   HP    Skill 
Pitchfork (2-H)     15     4d4    (4-16)   45   31-60  Fencing 
Short Spear (2-H)   15     2d15+2 (4-32)   50   31-70  Fencing 
Spear (2-H)         30     2d18   (2-36)   46   31-80  Fencing 
War Fork            35     1d29+3 (4-32)   45   31-110 Fencing


Weapon Name          STR Req.     Damage   Speed    HP  Skill 
Black Staff (2-H)      35      5d6+3 (8-33)  35   31-70 Mace * 
Gnarled Staff (2-H)    20      5d5+5 (10-30) 33   31-50 Mace * 
Quarterstaff (2-H)     30      5d5+3 (8-28)  48   31-60 Mace * 
Shepherd's Crook (2-H) 10      3d4   (3-12)  30   31-50 Mace *


Weapon Name    STR Req.     Damage    Speed    HP   Skill 
Broad Sword       25    2d13+3 (5-29)   45   31-100 Swords 
Cutlass           10    2d12+4 (6-28)   45   31-70  Swords 
Katana            10    3d8+2  (5-26)   58   31-90  Swords 
Kryss             10    1d26+2 (3-28)   53   31-90  Fencing 
Longsword         25    2d15+3 (5-33)   35   31-90  Swords 
Long Sword (thin) 25    2d15+3 (5-33)   35   31-90  Swords 
Scimitar          10    2d14+2 (4-30)   43   31-90  Swords 
Viking Sword      40    4d8+2  (6-34)   30   31-90  Swords


Weapon Name   STR Req.    Damage   Speed    HP    Skill 
Bare Fists      -- 1d8     (1-8)     ??     --    Wrestling 
  • Maces do an extra damage of 3 to 5 points to the victims stamina if a hit is made. Maces also do damage to armor everytime the armor absorbs damage. The amount of damage done to armor is half that of the damage points absorbed by the armor and typically lies in the 1 - 7 points range.