Search results
Create the page "Gathering Skills" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Mining is used to gather ingots which can be used by the skills [[Blacksmithy]] and [[Tinkering]]. Mining is performed by using a shovel o Other resource gathering skills include [[Fishing]] and [[Lumberjacking]]3 KB (389 words) - 04:18, 31 January 2017
- Other resource gathering skills include [[Fishing]] and [[Mining]]. ...umberjacking is illegal on this shard (as well as other resource gathering skills).1 KB (121 words) - 11:10, 4 November 2010
- Fishing is a gathering skill that allows you to fish fishes, magical fishes, level 1 treasure maps ...g more valuable than a normal fish. The skills mentioned above are minimum skills needed to fish up the corresponding item.4 KB (607 words) - 05:57, 15 January 2017
- *the asterisk after a skill shows suggested starting skills Since there are over seven crafting skills, templates vary, a resource gathering template may look like this9 KB (1,199 words) - 10:35, 27 March 2011
- Each character can have 700 Skills points and 225 attribute/stat points (strength/dexterity/intelligence) thus ...oing to be split evenly between making money and raising your attributes & skills to a reasonable level. Intelligence goes up slowly, while there are several28 KB (4,533 words) - 02:19, 7 January 2013