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(Corrected infomation on tinkers immunity from a murder count.)
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Latest revision as of 02:31, 21 February 2011

Tinker traps, also known as chumboxes, are traps that can be applied to boxes. Anyone that opens them risks death.

The Basics

There are three kinds of tinker traps: explosion traps, poison traps and dart traps. Each can be created by a tinker with sufficient skill and the proper materials. Traps may only be placed on lockable boxes (not bags, doors or unlockable boxes). The level of damage or poison done by an opened tinker trap varies with the skill of the tinker that created the trap. A grandmaster tinker does the most damage.

Important Points

  • Explosion traps do the most damage. If made by a grandmaster tinker, a trap will almost always kill the person that opens it.
  • Poison traps can administer a level five poison, which if not quickly cured will be lethal. It is very difficult to cure level five poison.
  • Lesser explosions and lesser poisons are just as effective in tinker traps as greater explosions and greater poisons.
  • The tinker that makes a trap cannot be given a murder count (when an innocent is killed by it) ONLY IF he traps the box while it is on the floor of a house which he is at least friended to. If he traps while it is on the ground outside of his house, or if it is in another container a murder count can be given to him.
  • It is fun to leave traps on the porches of houses (or even inside unlocked houses), as items on the porch or floor of a house do not decay.
  • On April 1st of every year, if you listen quietly, you may just hear Santa chum making his rounds, delivering chumboxes to all the children of UOSA.
  • An easy way to find out if a box is trapped without opening it is to attempt to trade it with another player. Trapped items cannot be traded.
  • To avoid needless death at the hands of chumboxes, turn off Razor's auto-search option. (It is on by default.) It can be found in the lower left-hand corner of the Display tab.
  • Telekinesis can be used to safely open a trapped box from a distance. But do make sure you are far enough away!
  • Dropping a small chumbox filled with useless items on the body of a freshly slain monster is a fun and profitable way to pass the time.
  • Stock a house full of chumboxes! Now open a gate from inside it to West Britain bank. Alternately, go engage in OMG LEET PVP and then die with a rune and key for the house. Sit back and wait for your new friends to arrive to take your hard earned loots.

Multiple Kills

Placing a trapped box on the dead body of the victim of a different box may result in multiple kills of the same individual. A convention for naming these events has been constructed.

  • Two'fer: Two kills.
  • Triplet of Death: Three kills.
  • Quadruple of Doom: Four kills.
  • Quintet of Hilarity: Five kills.

There is no name for more than five kills, only the shame of the fallen.